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The Health Foundation

What Builds Good Health?

Our health is a precious asset. Good health and wellbeing enable us to live happy, fulfilling lives and free us up to achieve our potential.  

But we don’t all have the same opportunities to live healthy lives. Right now, in parts of the UK, people are dying years earlier than they should. 

Building a healthy society is like constructing a sturdy building. To succeed, we need all the right building blocks in place.

In too many of our communities, these building blocks are missing or crumbling. When we don’t have what we need to heat our homes or buy healthy food, for example, and are constantly worrying about making ends meet, it can lead to chronic stress, poor health and lives being cut short.  

But change is possible. By improving things like access to good-quality jobs, developing affordable homes, reducing poverty and making healthy food more accessible, we can – and must – fix the gaps and build better health for all our communities.

The Health Foundation is an independent charitable organisation working to build a healthier UK.  For more information and resources FOLLOW HERE